Chapter 4 Traffic

Traffic GIS DB - O-D Matrix
- Traffic Volume (67 within Seoul)
- Road network
- Bus(Regular, Intercity)

4.1 Traffic facilities

Traffic facilities are the geographic locations of bus stops and subway stations in Seoul. This dataset is provided by Seoul TOPIS(Transport Operation and Information Services, 서울시교통정보센터), and KAIS(Korean Address Information System, 국가주소정보시스템), during the period of January 2015 - August 2016. The data are saved in an excel sheet and a shape format.

  • EPSG(Coordinates): 5181(Korea 2000 Central Belt)

In the folder, you will probably notice two sets of files, which either starts with TB_O_SB_STATN or TB_E_BUSSTOP:

Type Description Code
Facilities Subway location TB_O_SB_STATN
Facilities Bus location TB_E_BUSSTOP

* Bus stop: Attributes

NO Attribute Name Note
1 ID
2 Bus stop number
3 Bust stop name
4 Year Jan.2015-Aug.2016
5 TM-X
6 TM-Y

  • Bus stop: Shape file attributes (EPSG:5181)
NO Column Code Column Name
1 YYYYMM Year+Month
2 LINE_NO Bus number
3 SEQ_NO Order
4 BUS_STA_NM Bus stop name
5 X_COORD X coordinate
6 Y_COORD Y coordinate
7 ARSID Reference

  • Subway: Attributes
NO Attribute Name Note
1 ID
2 Station name
3 Line number
4 Year Jan.2015-Aug.2016
5 TM-X
6 TM-Y

  • Subway: Shape file attributes (EPSG:5181)
NO Column Code Column Name
1 GU_NM Year+Month
2 GU_CD Bus number
3 SUB_STA_SN Order
4 KOR_SUB_NM Bus stop name
5 Point_X X coordinate
6 Point_Y Y coordinate